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Know Your Limits: A most important thing

A while ago, I was working with one of my supervisors. As we were chatting, he decided to teach me some principles that will help me on my job and in life. In his typical style, Dr. Sorci asked me, “Do you know what the most important thing is in practicing...
Forgiveness SPEECH: How to give an effective apology

Forgiveness SPEECH: How to give an effective apology

“Never ruin an apology with an excuse.” ― Benjamin Franklin “If you bow at all, bow low.”–Chinese proverb Conflict exists everywhere. We are either in a conflict now, just got out of a conflict, or about to get into one. As humans, we make mistakes....

The Elements and Impact of Culture

Culture Impacts Everything Our cultures shape and form who we are and who we become as individuals and as a society. Whether we are talking about a personal, family, organizational or even a national level, we know that the best way to develop excellence is to develop...

Don’t take any honor to yourself unless it is given to you

An influential teacher was at a party when he noticed that the guests were competing for places of honor at the high table. He decided to speak some words of wisdom to the guests listening to him, “When someone invites you to dinner, don’t take the place of honor....