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WISE PATH: 8 Filters for Making Wise Decisions

WISE PATH: 8 Filters for Making Wise Decisions

Decisions determine destiny. “Obey God and leave all the consequences to him” Charles Stanley “How important it is to ascertain the will of God, before we undertake anything, because we are then not only blessed in our own souls, but also the work of...

When the Center Cannot Hold and Things Fall Apart

Take a moment to think about the title of this article. You may notice it is a line from William Butler Yeats’ poem, The Second Coming. Think of a moment in your life when your center could not hold and things fell apart. What do you think was the cause?...

Leading is loving

Loving is sacrificing and serving. Love is laying down one’s life for our fellow human beings. In the context of leadership, love is laying down our lives for those we serve as leaders, putting their interests first before our own. The greatest statement...

The Leadership Situation

What is a leadership Situation? Early in 2017, I was reviewing some resources to further develop myself in the area of public speaking when I stumbled on the concept of the rhetorical situation. In case you are wondering what rhetoric is, public speaking is basically...
7 Great Ways to Open a Speech

7 Great Ways to Open a Speech

”It usually takes me more than three weeks to prepare a good impromptu speech.” – Mark Twain The first 30 seconds of your speech or presentation are the most important. It can make or break your presentation. For a strong opening, you can use: 1. Start with a story...

7 Steps to Preparing a Great Speech or Presentation

When I first started doing public speaking many years ago, I was terrified. I did a terrible job at it. I remember being so frustrated with the whole process. I remember like yesterday, how my sweet wife would try to encourage me through the process. I wanted to quit...