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Choose Your Response instead of simply Reacting

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”   -Victor Frankl, MD Are you frequently angry? Irritated? Full of rage? Sad? Scared? Have you responded angrily in a...


What are emotions? According the the American Heritage Dictionary, an emotion is: “1. A mental state that arises spontaneously rather than through conscious effort and is often accompanied by physiological changes; a feeling: the emotions of joy, sorrow, and...

The Difference Between Anxiety and Stress

“Claude Bernard (1865/1961) noted that the maintenance of life is critically dependent on keeping our internal milieu constant in the face of a changing environment. Cannon (1929) called this “homeostasis.” Selye (1956) used the term “stress” to represent the...

The Difference Between Future Imagining and Future Thinking

I have a strong interest in current research about future thinking and future imagining because of significant benefits in medicine and personal leadership. Recently, I read dozens of journal publications on the subject. The lead author for one of the papers I read...