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How to Soar After Losing an Election or Competition of Any Size

Recently I was coaching James, an influential and very successful leader, after he lost a competitive election for a prestigious position. It was a well-fought election. He thought he was the most qualified candidate and had the most to bring to the table to benefit...

How to Ask and Receive From Others

I think one of the greatest areas of growth in my life has come in the area of asking and receiving from others without feeling guilty. I used to be the kind of guy who had no problem giving to others but felt like I didn’t need help or want others to help me....

12 Ways to Excel on your Board Exams

“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.”...

We see as we are

We see the world as we are, not as it really is. We see the people around us through lenses that are shaped by our own experiences. Our paradigms or mindsets really determine how the things we see look. Two different people can see the same picture or situation and...

HALT – The four danger signs

When you are trying to change a bad behavior, learn the discipline needed to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, or remain in recovery, self-care and self-awareness are crucial. You are more vulnerable to relapse or backslide when you are: Hungry Angry, anxious,...

Learn to ask questions

“There is nothing so powerful as a well-phrased question.” – Henry Murray, the great 20th-century physician. Learn to ask questions. The quality of the answers you will get in life will depend on the quality of your questions. A skillfully asked...