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Chew, Chew, Chew: We are designed to eat slowly

For much of human existence, we didn’t have knives and forks and ways to cut up our food before we could eat it. What happened was that we took time to eat because we had to chop up our food with our teeth before actually chewing it. That took time. But today,...

Causes of Overweight and Obesity

In order to conquer overweight and obesity, we must first know why we are overweight or obese. When we identify the root cause of our struggle with weight, then we can more effectively take care of it. Without first diagnosing the problem, we will only be throwing...

Eat only when you are hungry, stop when you’re satisfied

This morning, my wife wrote on the kitchen board: Oatmeal muffin + milk + fruit salad. On days that she is working, Ellen writes instructions for our boys to follow throughout the day. When my 5 and 7-year-old came to me to help serve them, I was talking on the phone...