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Six keys to effective communication

“Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others. If a leader can’t get a message across clearly and...

What a good leader does

  A good leader must do the following things to help people reach their full potential. Recruit the right people Match the right people with the right jobs Set clear expectations for the people Train and test the people for competence Motivate and encourage the...

The Power of Positive Communication

We’ve all heard about the power of positive thinking. It can transform our lives and shape our futures. Something that I’ve been reminding myself to work on lately is the power of positive communication. Here are some things I’m reminding myself...

The 7 Fundamental Human Needs

“Satisfied needs do not motivate. It’s only the unsatisfied need that motivates.”  Stephen Covey What motivates people to do what they do? How do people find meaning in life? How do great leaders lead people so that people passionately follow them?...