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Plussing – Add to ideas and decrease offense

We all know that we need honest feedback to improve and grow. Lavishing praise on people all the time doesn’t help them. But we also know that it can be difficult to give honest feedback without creating a toxic environment and shutting the creative juices of...

It’s Not Enough to Know True North

When I watched the 2012 film, Lincoln, directed by Steven Spielberg, the words of president Lincoln from a scene with Thaddeus Stevens stroke me as some of the wisest words I have ever heard. They transformed the way I work with the truth and with wisdom. Stevens...

A doctor as a healer of the world

To me a doctor is a healer of the world. His heart, mind, body and soul want to heal the sick and relieve pain no matter where it is. And by sick, I don’t simply mean physically sick. I mean, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, etc. I...

Decision Making and your strengths and strategy

When you have to make an important decision, checking for alignment with your strengths and strategy is a very helpful thing to do. It helps you narrow down the choices. Strengths. Does this decision allow you to use your strengths more? When faced with multiple...