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Why I emphasize Habits When Counseling my Patients

Why I emphasize Habits When Counseling my Patients

According to research, healthcare contributes only ten percent (10%) to premature death. Behavioral patterns contribute 40%, while social circumstances contribute 15%. Genetic predispositions contribute 30%, and environmental exposure contributes 5%. That is: 40%...
Ways to Start Using Your DESIGN to serve others

Ways to Start Using Your DESIGN to serve others

I teach people how to find their calling or design or calling using my mnemonic, DESIGN. After you have discovered your God-given design. What should you do? Start serving! God has called us to serve others. So, start using your design to serve. Here are some...

Stages of Change or Soul Formation

Life is a journey of change and soul formation from the people we are today to the people we were created to be. Between our prevailing standards of living and our fully actualized selves, there is a gap. Intentional living is about bridging that gap. How we go about...

Primary and Secondary Callings

God calls us first to his family (relationship with him), and then to the family business (vocational calling). Involvement in the family business exists to serve and strengthen the family bonds and not to weaken it. Our primary calling is first a calling to an...

Celebrity Diseases

Earlier in my ministry of healing as a physician, I learned that to help people, you need to motivate them to make lifestyle changes. Many times, when patients have a difficulty disease, they go through the stages of grief. As they do that, one thing that they often...