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Eat only when you are hungry, stop when you’re satisfied

This morning, my wife wrote on the kitchen board: Oatmeal muffin + milk + fruit salad. On days that she is working, Ellen writes instructions for our boys to follow throughout the day. When my 5 and 7-year-old came to me to help serve them, I was talking on the phone...

Teaching the law comes before grace

When relationships are concerned, there are some people who feel that humans should operate without any rules, merely focused on being sensitive to the other person’s feelings and doing what is good for them. Just being gracious to each other. In a perfect...

Why there are no “Naturally Slim” People

There are a lot of books and weight loss programs with names like, “Naturally Slim”, “Naturally thin”, etc. While I understand the good intention of the authors who choose these names, I believe the names can be misleading. There are no...

The difference between Governing and Leading

Understanding the difference between governing and leading and knowing which of the two to emphasize and when will make you an effective team member. Organizations that understand this difference and use it appropriately excel. So what’s the difference between...