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“Meaning consists of knowing what your highest strengths are, and using them to belong to and in the service of something larger than you are.”​ –Martin Seligman, Psychologist and former President of the APA ​

How do you create meaning in life?

In her book, the power of meaning, journalist and author Emily Esfahani Smith argues that there are 4 pillars of meaning.

  1. Belonging
  2. Purpose
  3. Storytelling about your life (Especially telling redemptive stories)
  4. Transcendence

Meaning and the Fundamental Human Needs

I talk a lot about the 7 fundamental human needs. They explain why humans are motivated to do what they do. When you look at the 7 Fundamental Human needs, you will soon realize that meaning, satisfaction, and fulfillment in life occur when these fundamental human needs are met.

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