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The difference between Governing and Leading

Understanding the difference between governing and leading and knowing which of the two to emphasize and when will make you an effective team member. Organizations that understand this difference and use it appropriately excel. So what’s the difference between...

S.M.A.R.T Feedback

Have you ever been given negative feedback that after everything was done, you didn’t know exactly what actions you did were wrong or perceived as wrong and as a result didn’t know how to go about correcting the mistake that you apparently made even though...

Momentum = Mass x Velocity

Recently, I was giving a sex education talk to a group high school students in our community. The entire three hours that I spent there giving my lecture to three different groups of students, I heard the science teacher remind the students of a formula he had taught...

Fight, Flight, Freeze Response to Stress & Conflict Resolution

It is common knowledge that we have three basic physiologic responses to stress. When we are faced with a stressful situation, our cerebrums with their executive functions that help us with advanced thought processes, problem-solving, peacemaking strategies, team...

The Magical Number Seven, plus or minus two

George Miller wrote a classic paper in 1956 titled, “The magical number seven, plus or minus two: some limits on our capacity for processing information.” In it, he argued that there was a limit to what our short-term memory could hold and that limit, for most people,...