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7 Traits of Great Leaders

7 Traits of Great Leaders

Why should you and I be interested in knowing the 7 personality traits of great leaders? First, because regardless of what we do in life, we are leaders. Second, these traits can be learned. Because they can be learned, we can improve our leadership ability. Here are...

People are motivated by a great vision, not needs!

Recently, I had the privilege of spending three days on a cruise ship with a small group of passionate poverty alleviation leaders. My job was to mentor and help them create a strategy for leading their nonprofit organization for the next year. One of the activities I...

The Easiest Way to Gain Financial Freedom, Guaranteed!

Everybody I know would love to gain financial independence. We all want to reach a certain point in our lives when we can happily say we don’t have to worry about money for the rest of our lives. Don’t you also want that? I certainly do! However, a lot of...

A Leader Discerns the Times

A leader discerns or interprets the times. A leader is able to chart the course to success because he can interpret or discern the times. Leaders discern the times. That’s how they get their vision and that’s how they lead the team to victory. By discerning /...

A Leader Finds a Way for the Team to Win

John Maxwell says, “Leaders Find a Way for the Team to Win.” Randy Pennington says, “The leader’s most important – you could say only – job is to influence others to deliver positive results. Results rule! Everything else is a discussion of the best ways to do so.” A...