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One important cause of stress in our lives

“Much of the stress that people feel doesn’t come from having too much to do. It comes from not finishing what they’ve started.” –David Allen Starting and not finishing things, that is a huge source of stress. If you’re like me,...

Owner vs. Employee Mentality

In my experience, having an owner mindset is one of the most significant determinants of success in anything you do. An owner sees the company as their newborn baby. They love it like that are committed to seeing it grow up to be something great. Consider Jennifer, a...

Preparation vs. Performance: How to improve at anything you do

I recently heard a short talk by Eduardo BriceƱo that got me thinking about the content of this post. He talked about learning and performance zones. I think preparation is a better word than learning to describe this pre and post performance phase. Preparation...

One thing that effective teachers do

They know that learning is led by the student, not the teacher. I know an ineffective teacher. He didn’t set out to be ineffective but he was. He was passionate about teaching and sacrificed a lot of his time to teaching his students. He loved teaching so much...